

  • Jennifer Warren
  • Friday, March 29, 2019
Blog Image - The Future is Bright: Australia’s Job Outlook

Not all employment opportunities stem from supply and demand, but many will come from change. Career shifts, moves, babies being born, the decision to travel or to study, these changes have people leaving their jobs and creating openings for others. Every year, over 1 million Australians are making a job change, with over half of those changes being to another career or industry.

Skills on the Rise

Not unexpected, there is current growth in entry-level positions, requiring little or even no education requirements. However, with a total increase of 886,000 (or 7.1 percent), the highest growth in jobs is coming from positions that call for further education. University or vocational education and training is required for many service and professional roles.

As reported by Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business:

According to Future Outlook, and Australian government website tracking the trends, over the next five years, these jobs are expected to see some of the highest growth:

  • Aged and disabled carers registered nurses
  • Child caregivers
  • Software and applications programmers
  • Waiters
  • Education aides

Service Industries Forecasted for Major Growth

Growth is also projected for qualified roles in management, consulting services, and, understandably, computer system design.

An aging population plus the growth of both home-based workers and child care are driving job increases in the services sector. Governmental infrastructure investments and an expanding population bolster expected growth in the engineering construction sector--more people means more homes. More people also means more need for education, which is why adult and community education and their supporting positions are also forecasted to increase.

With nearly two out of every three new jobs stemming from these industries, they are expected to see the highest growth:

  • Health care and social assistance
  • Construction
  • Education and training
  • Professional, scientific, and technical services

“'We are seeing the strongest employment growth in quite traditional service roles–in particular, there's strong demand for careers across the board.” - Department of Jobs and Small Business labour market analyst Ivan Neville

Healthy Growth Expected in Arts and Recreations

Australians are having fun and getting healthy, driving job growth in the arts and recreation departments as they do it. Demand for personal fitness services and sports participation is helping to create a healthy labour market, with fitness instructors, gym managers, and outdoor adventure guides all expecting a “strong” to “very-strong” job forecast. Opportunities in the arts and recreation services industry are expected to see continued growth as well, with dancers and entertainers, authors, and artists looking at promising futures over the next five years.

Australians are spending more of their hard-earned money dining out. While club managers can expect a stable future, bartenders and baristas can expect a strong increase in demand. And rapid growth in both domestic and international tourism backs an increase in jobs in the accommodation and food-services industry.

You can read more on employment projections on the Department of Jobs and Small Businesses Labor Information Portal and see labour trends on their Employment Research and Statistics page.

The outlook is bright. If the predictions are accurate, the future for Australian jobs is strong.